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Saturday, July 08, 2006

superman getting a sound hearing from director when he tried to adjust the uncomfertable suit you-know-where
I Went I saw I gave it a B+

Superman returns very good results to my theory which its film-makers were testing no picture other than Return Of The Jedi of the STAR WARS league is worth the price you pay at the movie theaters
Frankly speaking the film has very little of the [super{ super ( superman ) }] should have done , and why do these hypocrite ( read superheroes) dont go the omnipresent noble prize winners or is that they know or even further recognise the " pulitzer "
Well i can only say that superman returns is as good as 2 hours spent in a spanish library when even english seems to be problem { you ' super ' writers please collaborate with sci-fi colleagues your pictures need to have more than just 'nostalgia' !
And by the way did anyone notice the planes nose was hollow man what do they take when i am sent in front of the temperatures they face my nose is as full as a bottle of jam newly opened !!!
I would have simply loved it ,had the fuselage of the airplanes had woung around superman {read during the shooting}Oh I am not being sick every one loves a disaster movie ,remember TITANIC !! oh sorry its a marvellous love story but was not intended to be . Was it director SAAAAAAB !! lol

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