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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Where there is a will!

Where there is a will, There’s always a way.

“‘Tis shameful as much selfish the man is, for ignorance of his greed is morphed by his will.  “

For centuries together, man, the most tyrannous of all the intelligent beings ever spawned on the face of this earth has bent the rules of nature by the most powerful of all the forces that has altered the course of time and space, his will-power.

     The dictionary limits this phenomenal paradigm as the mental power to control and direct your thought and actions, the determination to do something despite difficulties or obstacles, but the magnitude of this paradigm lies not in its meaning but in its inertial effect that instead of taking us away from the path takes to our goal, the very need of that path.

     Will power gives us the positive energy to do anything that we think must be accomplished; actually willingness to do something is the first step towards the accomplishment of an objective.

     Man has not always been successful in his endeavors and has more than often faced the mocking face of failure and defeat, if he would have given up cursing his ill fate we wouldn’t be sitting in a room which has an artificial system of air circulation that helps man in homeostasis and ultimately his existence on earth. Man wouldn’t have even dreamed of flying if he did not have the will to do so. Even in the most difficult of times the enduring power of “human will” has overcome the critical comments of the sadists and the cynics. Only after years and years of failure does man come across an epoch making invention or discovery that changes the way it sees himself as well as his stimulus . It is this symbiosis between his hope and the averse that gives man the energy to continue and this time-beaten elixir us what we call the will-power.

     The logic said, “Any mater that exceeds the density of air would never be able to float in air, leave alone traveling through it.” If man was to be devoid of what we call resolve airplanes would never have seen the light of the day. Even today man continues in his unending exploration of his surrounding. What people term science fiction today may turn into reality tomorrow or it may have even been tested to be only rejected as unpractical. But sooner or later mans will power will add another dimension to his foresight, his knowledge and may be then he will find that exploration starts not from the surrounding but from within himself and also that it’s as infinistimal as his will power.

     Perhaps these lines from the legend Henry David Thoreau succinctly put the essence and derivatives of will-power:
          “I know of no more encouraging fact
          than the unquestionable ability of man
                         to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.”                                      

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